About the book
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When a famous, young, singing sensation called Sonya dies in a freak accident, everyone is shaken to the core. Her death starts off a chain reaction, and one by one, a group of people start to die due to strange unforeseen circumstances. No one can understand why everyone around them have suddenly started to meet their demise and they are all terrified.
The number 7 seems to be a common denominator in all these deaths. It is later discovered that people who have the number 7 in their birth dates have come to die. This sends the group into a panicked frenzy as they try to do everything in their power to escape the terrible fate that awaited them at the hands of a death angel. Will they be able to survive? Or will this vicious cycle carry on until all of them are dead?
About The Author
Angela Means raised in eastern Michigan and she used her love for literature and allegory as a means of escape. She indulged in a getaway by losing herself in the world of reading books. She was influenced by writers such as Dickens, Steinbeck, Poe, Christie and Thurston. All these authors initiated a world of imagination within Means that further on developed into a love of storytelling. At the tender age of seventeen, she pursued her passion of becoming an actress and a comedian. No one can narrate a story like she does.
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Unveiling the Power of Numbers in “The Seven Sinners and the Angel Who Loved Them”